Dysgnathia / jaw change

Dysgnathia / Distraction

After orthodontics (braces) have been carried out, the orthodontic practice and the cost bearer give the go-ahead for the operation. This takes place as an inpatient in the hospital, 4 days there, with an operation duration of 2.5 hours.

Facial harmony with solid normal bite

The planning is aimed at the functional chewing surface and a long-term stable result. The facial harmony plays an equal role.
Extraction of teeth / (surgical) stretching of bones Retention phase after stretching 6 months Fixed or definitive orthodontics: aligners, lingual technique, brackets Operative jaw adjustment: one, both jaws, chin plastic: mini plates 6 months postoperative orthodontics Plate removal under short anesthesia

The operation must be approved and enlightened and approved by orthodontics.

Plaster models after impressions, bite splints, photos and X-rays Information Admission slip Preliminary anesthetic talk one week before Meeting at 07:00 in the morning at the surgery ward Overnight stay in the intensive care unit
Postoperative: 2 hours do not eat or drink 24 hours do not rinse your mouth 2 weeks do not blow your nose 2 weeks hold your mouth when you sneeze The elastic bands between the upper and lower jaw are worn for 1 week Planned discharge on the 4th day (occasionally up to 5 or 7 days) On the 7th day suture removal On the 14th day the looser elastic bands begin Diet: 2 weeks liquid, soft, mushy diet Walk around as much as possible
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